For the second year in a row Shola has done a guest chef dinner around my birthday. We just happened to be in Philadelphia for a gallery opening, so we went to Blackfish for the dinner . The only complaint we had was the service was not very good at all. The food was fantastic.

Lentil Soup Curry Leaf Froth and Eggplant Croquette:
If only eggplant always tasted so good

Slow Cooked Egg Crab Green Legumes Truffle Vinagrette

Suzuki Pistachio Cumin Pickled Mushrooms

Duroc Pork Belly Daikon Apple Fennel Yuzu Curd
The best pork belly I've had to date

Duck Ravioli Jeruselum Artichoke Fenugreek Broth

Pineapple Vanilia Lemon Brie Basil